Covid-19: Safety Tips for Drivers & Passengers

Covid-19: Safety Tips for Drivers & Passengers

At Beat, it is our responsibility to keep our communities and friends healthy and safe. During the uncertainty caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) as it spreads all across the globe, we wanted to update you on steps you can take to keep yourself and your community safe with simple protective measures. Follow these basic tips to reduce your risk of contagion.


Keeping your car clean
Just as you should wipe down public and shared services with disinfectant, we encourage you to sanitize your car. Clean whichever parts of your car passengers come in contact with, like door handles, seats.

On the road
Keep the windows open, if possible. You could also consider wearing gloves as a precaution as well as washing your hands before and after driving.

Personal hygiene
Use soap or sanitizer scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. You can also use an antibacterial solution with at least 80% alcohol. Wear a mask and avoid touching your face, keeping your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible. Also, don’t forget to disinfect your mobile phone frequently.

Interacting with passengers
Use credit cards ao that you won’t need to handle cash, a common cause of infection. Avoid all types of physical contact including the handshake with the passengers.

Off the road
If you have a cough, fever or other mild symptoms of illness, take a few days off and get proper checkup.


On the road
Try to keep an antibacterial gel or wipes on your person every time you step out of the house.

Interacting with drivers
Choose credit cards as your preferred method of payment. You will avoid the risk of handling cash significantly reducing your chances of contracting the virus. Avoid all types of physical contacts like handshake.

Personal hygiene
All sanitary precautions described in the personal hygiene section apply to everyone. So use soap or hand sanitizer to scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Wear facemask and avoid touching your face, keeping your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible. Also, don’t forget to disinfect your mobile phone frequently.

Off the road
If you have a cough, fever or other mild symptoms of illness, take a few days off and get a proper checkup. If you must step out, wear a face mask to protect yourself and others.

Awesome Driver – Best Safe Driver in Dubai

Awesome Drive, an emerging chauffeur service and safe driver company based in Dubai, Awesome Drive has years of experienced safe driver’s in providing an innovative and unique chauffeur service to the UAE public, With Dubai’s existing and expanding number of bars and restaurants, we felt that a dynamic and safer transport service was required, whereby the customer can call, WhatsApp us or book online and we send you a safe driver to drive customers to their destinations in the comfort and safety of their own vehicles. We are registered with Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) to outsource Private, Personal & Corporate Drivers to customers, with an honest objective to assist everybody to reach their destination timely, safely, comfortably and above all, cost-effectively. We are known for many matters and one of them is we actively and passionately offer services round the clock. We are proud to say that we are the most affordable and best company in Dubai.

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