Safe driver dubai

5 things to remember when you’re the designated Safe driver Dubai

Safe Driver service also a big responsibility. You’re in charge of your client’s safety, at a time when they may not be in their most safety-conscious state. So, here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Never, ever drink

It’s always important to be safely under the legal drive limit, but when you’re responsible for your friends’ lives as well as your own? You should never drink & drive.

2. Decide the route you drive
As Dubai has many route options to reach a destination, it is always wise to decide which way you are going to drive before statrs journey. Make sure you choose the shortest and safest road. This is one of the best qualities of a safe driver.

3. Set some ground rules

Set some ground rules will make you easy to do your job. Stick to the same rules every time you volunteer to drive, hopefully a few will stick in their heads.

  • Seatbelts. ALWAYS.
  • Always wear a Mask
  • Social Distancing will be applicable even inside the Car
  • No music on driver’s choice
  • No fighting
  • Always remember Customer is King

4. Choose your nights wisely
While volunteering to drive is a very noble thing – do you really want to? For important occasions like results day or Christmas, the risk of you feeling left out and having ‘just one drink’ is much higher.

So why put yourself in that position? Club together with your mates and book a big taxi. Most companies have 8 seaters or even bigger, and between that many people, it’s actually an affordable way to get home.

5. Dont forget to take your Driving license with you

Make sure you always carry your Driving License with you all the time you drive.

Are you planning to hire a Safe driver in Dubai?

Awesome Drive is an RTA Registered Safe Driver Dubai Company in Dubai. Call +971 52 894 8931 to book a designated driver.

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Call +971 52 894 8931 to book Safe Driver Dubai from Awesome Drive.

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