safe driver dubai

Would like to hire a driver in Dubai.

Driving is not the way to get around Dubai. You will spend a lot of time stuck in dubai traffic trying to get from place to place, and you won’t be able to get out of the car much, because you couldnt find a parking lot.

Dubai is a city with the airport on one side, and some of the best sights and beaches on the other side, the ability to get around is an essential part of ensuring you make the most of your trip.

Although the metro covers much of the length of the city, it can be slow and basically just runs in a straight line. To get to your destination, you’ll probably still have a bit of a hike, or a short taxi ride ahead of you. If you’re on a bit of a tight schedule, then travelling by car is the most time-efficient way to ensure you squeeze in all you can. So what are your options?

Hire a Safe Driver in Dubai

If you happen to have a car in Dubai, but you just can’t drive, then another option is to use a safe Driver from Awesome Drive.

We have been approved by RTA, so they are fully governed to ensure safe and reliable drivers are provided to chauffeur service you around in the car you provide them. This is a service used regularly by Dubai residents who want to have ‘designated driver’ service.

They pay for short-term hiring of drivers, for example after a night out or a dinner involving alcoholic drinks. Surprisingly, this service is more costly than some of the other companies whose services also include the hire of the car. We offer Safe driver service for an hour or daily, weekly or monthly basis. Our Drivers, like the other companies, offer services 24hrs a day.

Bookings can be made on the same day, before 2-3 days’ of notice to guarantee the availability of high quality drivers. hire a Safe driver in Dubai, Bookings can be made online or by calling or WhatsApp +971 52 894 8931

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